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Definition of a barnshoot



  • Corruption of "bahine ka chut" which means "sister's cunt" in Hindi. Abusive term for a person one does not like. British military slang from the time British troops served in India. Also "banchoot".

    Last edited on Mar 02 2013. Submitted by Dick Wright-Upham from Wellington, New Zealand on Jan 06 2011.

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Other terms relating to 'British, UK slang (list of)':

Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: acronym for "dirtbag index", an insulting notation used by doctors in the UK on medical charts.
Definitions include: to have sex (with).
Definitions include: acronym for "patient fell over", a notation used by doctors in the UK on medical charts.
Definitions include: breast.
Definitions include: an argument or fight.
Definitions include: literally penis, but used as a derogatory term or an idiot.
Definitions include: dried feces attached to the hairs of the buttocks; "dingleberry".
Definitions include: nonsense.
Definitions include: disparaging nickname for psychiatrists, used by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: Cockney rhyming slang meaning American i.e. septic tank - yank.
Definitions include: a member of a British subculture characterized by low- or middle-class youths with characteristics such as wearing athletic clothing, Burberry brand clothing, and gold chains, listening to rap music, driving low-end but "souped up" automobiles, and engaging in drunken and other crass behavior.
Definitions include: a "Yank", i.e. a person from the USA.
Definitions include: The same as ditto (British).
Definitions include: angry or annoyed.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: a person who is streaking.
Definitions include: to become enraged.
Definitions include: time to get serious about doing something.
Definitions include: disrespect.
Definitions include: To toss or lob a small object, as in, "Tob that pencil over here, mate."
Definitions include: high off marijuana.
Definitions include: Slang for details. To be used when asking for "the details" seems presumptuous and too much like something your mother would ask.
Definitions include: having attractive buttocks.
Definitions include: to get started.
Definitions include: an unethical person.

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