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Definition of a bub



  • a baby.

    Last edited on Sep 25 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Apr 24 2010.

  • Australian slag terminology equal to that of American word Boo. Used as a sign of endearment for one's significant partner, as a sign of affection.

    Last edited on Sep 25 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 25 2010.

noun - uncountable

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Definitions include: awareness.
Definitions include: another word for bitching-griping-wining
Definitions include: Tell me to "chill"
Definitions include: A topic certain to provoke incendiary response and disunity from the community it is addressed to. Even if the majority of the community would enjoy discussing it in reasoned terms, it will reveal the single-issue wonks among them.
Definitions include: another person's car (used with or without permission) to drive to a location and acquire illegal drugs.
Definitions include: getting speared by a sting ray (or other any other form of species of ray)
Definitions include: sex. Sometimes "in-out" is used twice, as in the old in-out in-out.
Definitions include: having cybersex.
Definitions include: something good on top of something else that's good.
Definitions include: A church considered good by law or authority

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