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Definition of a cap

Related words

Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'abbreviations (list of)':

Definitions include: abbreviation of "pizza."
Definitions include: marijuana.
Definitions include: to take the fingerprints of a person.
Definitions include: "masturbate".
Definitions include: Short and sassy for "whatever."
Definitions include: "perfect".
Definitions include: "second."
Definitions include: good.
Definitions include: to victimize.
Definitions include: shortened form of "glamorous."
Definitions include: Shortened form of "baby boomer".
Definitions include: in support of.
Definitions include: "figures".
Definitions include: used for intimidation.
Definitions include: "with".

Other terms relating to 'bullet':

Definitions include: bullets.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "ammunition".
Definitions include: a bullet that can penetrate bullet-proof armor.

Other terms relating to 'drugs':

Definitions include: cocaine.
Definitions include: when someone "loans" their car to another in exchange for crack-cocaine.
Definitions include: muscular.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of sinsemilla.
Definitions include: cocaine.
Definitions include: marijuana.
Definitions include: shortened form of "joint", i.e. a hand-rolled marijuana cigarette.
Definitions include: marijuana.
Definitions include: "question".
Definitions include: low-quality marijuana.
Definitions include: one eighth of an ounce of marijuana.
Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: marijuana grown hydroponically or otherwise artificially cultivated to increase its potency.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: a species of marijuana.

Other terms relating to 'hat, cap':

Definitions include: one's head of hair.
Definitions include: a bandana.
Definitions include: a hat.

Other terms relating to 'medicine (related to)':

Definitions include: Old southern term for medicinal plants.
Definitions include: cosmetic surgery on the nose.
Definitions include: Bad person, moron, idiot.
Definitions include: nickname for an anaesthetist, used by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: acronym for "Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy".
Definitions include: less common spelling of lopitoffamy.
Definitions include: a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Definitions include: a mythical medical support vehicle for people who whine.
Definitions include: an infected vulva (vagina).
Definitions include: anabolic steroids.
Definitions include: oil.
Definitions include: gossip, secret information.
Definitions include: specifically, a birth control pill.
Definitions include: "health care" provided by purchasing a no- or low-income patient a ticket on the Greyhound bus system, to get them out of that geographic area.
Definitions include: acronym for "normal for Norfolk", an insult used by doctors in the UK on medical charts.

Other terms relating to 'to insult, complain, criticize':

Definitions include: to not do something out of fear; "chicken out".
Definitions include: offensive speech about another person.
Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: to speak badly of.
Definitions include: This definition is questionable and is pending deletion.
Definitions include: to attack, beat up.
Definitions include: to impregnate.
Definitions include: to destroy.
Definitions include: to fuss or whine at length.
Definitions include: to clap back, i.e. to shoot back at someone who has shot at you.
Definitions include: to accept insults from a person without fighting back.
Definitions include: to complain, scold, or nag.
Definitions include: exclamation used in response to a burn or an instance of outsmarting someone.
Definitions include: an automobile.
Definitions include: misspelling / alternate spelling of flak.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'cap':

Definitions include: to need to defecate badly.
Definitions include: to fire a bullet; "shoot".
Definitions include: to use all capital letters when texting, posting, tweeting or emailing.
Definitions include: a light-hearted verbal duel between two people.
Definitions include: US Army elongated hat (cover) that comes together at the front and back.
Definitions include: an accomplishment.
Definitions include: a condom.
Definitions include: From Wall Street, as in large-capitalization.
Definitions include: an alcoholic drink before going to bed.
Definitions include: Another way of saying one is a clown
Definitions include: to shoot.
Definitions include: to shoot someone.
Definitions include: From Wall Street, as in small-capitalization.
Definitions include: An old person with white or grey hair.
Definitions include: old person

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 20 votes: 46%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

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<a href="">a cap</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ a cap]

Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.