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Definition of a doggie

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)':

Definitions include: acronym for "shut your ass up".
Definitions include: used for intimidation.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "parents."
Definitions include: very good, unique, cool.
Definitions include: a replacement for the offensive term "fuck".
Definitions include: acting above one's station.
Definitions include: "figures".
Definitions include: shortened form of anal retentive.
Definitions include: "all of you".
Definitions include: acronym for "fucking easy question".
Definitions include: "off the heezy fosheezy."
Definitions include: acronym for "fuck you".
Definitions include: alternate spelling of oops.
Definitions include: "critique".
Definitions include: acronym for "For The Loss."

Other terms relating to 'animals (related to)':

Definitions include: "puppy".
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: a dog, especially a cute one.
Definitions include: mephedrone.
Definitions include: melted methamphetamine.
Definitions include: "dog".
Definitions include: snake.
Definitions include: a budgerigar.
Definitions include: to push cows over while they are sleeping, as a form of amusement.
Definitions include: vulva / vagina.
Definitions include: an extremely unattractive female.
Definitions include: a mongrel cat.
Definitions include: a hedgehog.
Definitions include: a young child.
Definitions include: to vomit.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'dog':

Definitions include: a mythical creature who is extremely happy or fortunate.
Definitions include: be in serious trouble.
Definitions include: the best at something; "the man".
Definitions include: to start drinking alcohol again in the morning to avoid feeling hung-over.
Definitions include: two people who become enemies and make conflicts.
Definitions include: raining hard.
Definitions include: one of many apocryphal sex "moves".
Definitions include: When a person deficates between a females breasts and then "titty fucks" that female
Definitions include: very crazy.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of dog.
Definitions include: a mess, from "dog's breakfast."
Definitions include: daughter; acronym for "dear daughter".
Definitions include: to engage in an unproductive activity; waste time.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: "dog and bone" is Cockney slang for phone.

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Average of 6 votes: 43%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a doggie</a>

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[ a doggie]

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