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Definition of a forty

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'alcohol':

Definitions include: alcohol.
Definitions include: hard drugs.
Definitions include: an unattractive female, usually due to obesity.
Definitions include: a "Long Island Ice Tea" (also called a "Long Island Iced Tea") which is a strong alcoholic mixed drink.
Definitions include: "tequila".
Definitions include: Champagne.
Definitions include: with high alcohol content.
Definitions include: an alcoholic beverage.
Definitions include: home-made alcohol.
Definitions include: an alcoholic drink that is a shot of Smirnoff Ice dropped into a glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.
Definitions include: sexual activity up to the point of, but not including, sexual intercourse.
Definitions include: alcohol.
Definitions include: cheap alcohol.
Definitions include: a body of water.
Definitions include: See forty.

Other terms relating to 'other drinks':

Definitions include: soda; soft drink.
Definitions include: to hit.
Definitions include: milk.
Definitions include: "cup of tea".
Definitions include: cocaine.
Definitions include: to kill via stabbing.
Definitions include: gossip, secret information.
Definitions include: a drink consumed after an alcoholic drink, especially fruit juice or cola after a shot of liquor.
Definitions include: attractive.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'forty':

Definitions include: See forty.
Definitions include: a hypothetical club whose members are not very "bright", meaning intelligent.
Definitions include: wild or rough terrain adjacent to a developed area.
Definitions include: a place that is far away.
Definitions include: to take a nap.
Definitions include: unattractive.
Definitions include: spilling a small quantity of a beverage (usually a 40 ounce container of beer) on the ground in order to honor the deceased.

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Average of 22 votes: 26%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a forty</a>

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[ a forty]

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