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Definition of a girly-girl

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'miscellaneous insults (list of)':

Definitions include: go away.
Definitions include: a derogatory term, usually for an unkind male.
Definitions include: a command, similar to "Go to hell!" (i.e. "Leave me alone!"
Definitions include: "bourgeois".
Definitions include: a depressing female.
Definitions include: an insult.
Definitions include: a person who behaves overly fawning so as to win favor; "suck-up".
Definitions include: offensive term for a homosexual male.
Definitions include: general insult.
Definitions include: a person with liberal political beliefs.
Definitions include: a person who behaves in an exaggerated way simply to attract attention.
Definitions include: a snowboarder.
Definitions include: an obsequious person.
Definitions include: a "professional wrestler" who loses matches so as to build up a featured wrestler's win/loss record and crowd appeal.
Definitions include: misspelling of bourgee.

Other terms relating to 'woman, women, female':

Definitions include: somewhat sarcastic form of address used between women.
Definitions include: chick, girl, woman.
Definitions include: a woman with a reputation for promiscuity.
Definitions include: to annoy someone.
Definitions include: "sister".
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: a person's girlfriend.
Definitions include: misspelling of hussy.
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: a sexually provocative female.
Definitions include: an (often attractive) female ("babe") hired to represent companies at trade fairs.
Definitions include: acronyms for "a woman I'd like to doink".
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: girls; women.
Definitions include: a sexually promiscuous member of a sorority.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'girl':

Definitions include: interjection of encouragement.
Definitions include: "babygirl", i.e. girlfriend.
Definitions include: a prostitute.
Definitions include: a prostitute.
Definitions include: acronym for "chubby fat girl".
Definitions include: a prostitute.
Definitions include: a female with large buttocks, small waist, big thighs, big breasts.
Definitions include: a girl that has been heartbroken and turns into a heartless bitch.
Definitions include: cocaine.
Definitions include: the attraction of a heterosexual woman towards another female.
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: See girly-girl.
Definitions include: a pornographic magazine.
Definitions include: breasts.
Definitions include: a virgin.

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Average of 12 votes: 20%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a girly-girl</a>

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[ a girly-girl]

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