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Definition of a paper



  • a rolling paper. Usually used in the plural.
    Do you have any papers?

    Last edited on Mar 23 2010. Submitted by Trey G. from Ft Huachuca, Huachuca City, AZ, USA on Feb 05 2003.

  • Probation, Parole

    "Tim caught 3 years on papers"

    Last edited on Apr 17 2010. Submitted by M. Dollaz from Palatka, FL, USA on Apr 17 2010.

noun - uncountable

  • money.
    Bill gates is a dork but he got paper.
    I gots to make that paper.

    Citation from Akismet home page censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.


    Citation from "The Fight", Parks and Recreation (TV), Season 3 Episode 13 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "Chapter 5", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 1 Episode 5 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.
    • See more words with the same meaning: money.

    Last edited on Jan 11 2012. Submitted by Michael A. from Charlotte, NC, USA on Aug 22 1998.

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Other terms relating to 'money':

Definitions include: someone's hidden savings, usually of money or drugs.
Definitions include: having three children in rapid succession (generally following the marriage of a young couple).
Definitions include: cheesy.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: Money transferred directly from a band to a DJ, to bribe the DJ into playing their songs either on the radio or on a video channel.
Definitions include: to yell at someone; "blow up".
Definitions include: coins.
Definitions include: a twenty-five cent coin.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: a ten-dollar bill.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: $20.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: one thousand dollars.
Definitions include: very good, excellent, interesting, fun, etc.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'paper':

Definitions include: to seek "paper" (i.e. money.)
Definitions include: the section of a newspaper containing comics.
Definitions include: to be kicked out of a relationship.
Definitions include: toilet paper.
Definitions include: to run behind money for a profit.
Definitions include: a person, generally a woman, who has an attractive body, but an ugly face.
Definitions include: Someone who runs behind money for profit.
Definitions include: A slang way of saying Child Support. Example: Tony told Keith my babymoma is hitting me with [paper genocide], Keith said what's that?, Tony said Child. Support.
Definitions include: to go collect money from people who owe you.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: a record of misconduct in paper form, e.g. accounting records.
Definitions include: "goodbye".
Definitions include: toilet tissue.
Definitions include: to earn money.
Definitions include: acronym for "toilet paper."

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<a href="">a paper</a>

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[ a paper]

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