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Definition of a scattergram



  • An email that has been copied to many more people than warranted, usually by someone in middle management wishing to share a mental fart with as many people as possible.

    Last edited on Dec 28 2010. Submitted by Dick Wright-Upham from Wellington, New Zealand on Dec 28 2010.

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Definitions include: the act of hyper extending another's or one's knee in a disgusting or morbid manner.
Definitions include: to urinate.
Definitions include: a person who doesn't get good grades and instead drinks alcohol, does drugs, and goes to parties.
Definitions include: a small problem.
Definitions include: something especially bad.
Definitions include: to fall face forward, with one's face striking the ground.
Definitions include: Musician's slang for a wrong note.
Definitions include: to promise that what one is saying is true.
Definitions include: When a man shoots his semen or cum on or in woman.
Definitions include: When a person goes after another person and goes as far as making a date and then everything drops and that person disappears (like Ghosting), it is similar to a greyhound who runs the race and catches the rabbit and is spoiled and no longer able to race.

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