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Definition of americunt



  • Your typical and average American woman in this day and age. They typically have very little class, are rude, and act very unfeminine.
    Is that the 3rd abortion that Kristin has gotten so far!? Why can't she just go and invest in a vibrator!? What a total americunt she is!

    Last edited on Oct 06 2024. Submitted by Ffo Kcuf on Oct 06 2024.

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Definitions include: to have negative consequences.
Definitions include: to become upset over something small.
Definitions include: fun.
Definitions include: the universal healthcare program in the United States proposed by the Obama administration.
Definitions include: excessive.
Definitions include: a close female friend, or one's best female friend.
Definitions include: A mythical country, used as a generic term for any of those backward Third World countries always in turmoil, always the scene of disasters, civil wars, famines and terrorism. Somewhere between Iraq and A Hard Place.
Definitions include: greatly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Definitions include: acronym for "way TMI", i.e. "way too much information".
Definitions include: to have heterosexual, vaginal intercourse.

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