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Definition of annihilated

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'under the influence of alcohol, drunk':

Definitions include: toe-up means ugly from head-to-toe. an absolute, full-on assault to the eyes which makes you wanna be sick when you look at the person.
Definitions include: to be very drunk.
Definitions include: to get started, to crank up.
Definitions include: very drunk, or in any other state of mind in which one can't function because one is too messed up.
Definitions include: acting loud and crazy when drunk, often viewed as annoying or stupid.
Definitions include: drunk.
Definitions include: to stare with sexual intent.
Definitions include: severely intoxicated.
Definitions include: intoxicated to the point of sassiness.
Definitions include: drunk.
Definitions include: inebriated.
Definitions include: Extremely intoxicated.
Definitions include: someone who is zonked from drugs or drink or simply just doesn't have a clue
Definitions include: more than sassy, less than sparky and almost snazzy, used to describe something or someone crazy and tangy.
Definitions include: drunk.

Other terms relating to 'under the influence of drugs':

Definitions include: to be high or intoxicated, similar to loopy.
Definitions include: fatigued after amphetamine use.
Definitions include: To be drunk or high.
Definitions include: extremely inebriated.
Definitions include: on drugs.
Definitions include: to ingest LSD and Ecstasy (MDMA) at the same time.
Definitions include: to be under the influence of drugs.
Definitions include: highly intoxicated from marijuana or alcohol.
Definitions include: very drunk or high.
Definitions include: very drunk or high.
Definitions include: under the influence of marijuana.
Definitions include: to be under the influence of methamphetamine.
Definitions include: to enter an extreme high.
Definitions include: immobilized from too much marijuana smoking.
Definitions include: mean; spiteful; cruel.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: superficial literature, movies and music used to keep the lower class preoccupied.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of "dug", i.e. the past tense of dig.
Definitions include: to understand.
Definitions include: to get pulled over by the cops; could also mean getting arrested.
Definitions include: start working in a company at a low level, hoping to progress from there.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to get married.
Definitions include: the scrotum.
Definitions include: fully owning happiness

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Average of 19 votes: 30%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">annihilated</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ annihilated]

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