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Definition of beaucoup



  • many or much. From French.
    If he owns beaucoup property, why does he want to purchase that plot of trees?

    Last edited on Jul 26 2011. Submitted by Kam from Central City, NE 68826, USA on Feb 21 2000.

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Other terms relating to 'many, much, lots':

Definitions include: "lot of".
Definitions include: a very large number.
Definitions include: to be many or much of something present.
Definitions include: anything displeasing.
Definitions include: used after a word as an intensifier or just for flair.
Definitions include: absolutely.
Definitions include: a great quantity.
Definitions include: a lot of; many; much.
Definitions include: extreme.
Definitions include: used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount.
Definitions include: with a large amount or number present.
Definitions include: commonly used as the "politically correct" phase where "shitload" would normally be used.
Definitions include: in quantity; a great amount.
Definitions include: a notable number.
Definitions include: a great quantity or amount.

Other terms relating to 'terms with foreign origin (list of)':

Definitions include: the facial expression one wears when having an orgasm.
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: spelling variant of "haha".
Definitions include: someone who is crazy.
Definitions include: From both the Spanish word chiquita and Chiquita Bananas, a particular brand name of bananas.
Definitions include: used to get someone's attention.
Definitions include: a foolish person; "ass".
Definitions include: "goodbye".
Definitions include: "not good" in Spanish.
Definitions include: good-bye.
Definitions include: a female friend.
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: marijuana.
Definitions include: "Christmas".
Definitions include: Spanish for "Little Mama".

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: German for shit.
Definitions include: a room in any number of buildings worldwide separated from adjoining areas by glass.
Definitions include: a period of time during which one engages sexually with another person.
Definitions include: a greeting, usually between men.
Definitions include: a small-time burglar
Definitions include: When a person playing sports throws the sport instrument such as taking off a laser tag vest and heaving it at an opponent.
Definitions include: milk tea containing tapioca balls
Definitions include: acronym for "not much, you".
Definitions include: a person from a rural area.
Definitions include: to fight and win; "kick ass".

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Average of 19 votes: 29%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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[ beaucoup]

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