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Definition of lotta


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Other terms relating to 'alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)':

Definitions include: attractive; "hot".
Definitions include: acronym for "I don't get it".
Definitions include: to relax; "hang out.
Definitions include: "cool"; "awesome"; "sweet".
Definitions include: "grandfather".
Definitions include: Short for e-mail address.
Definitions include: "why".
Definitions include: acronym for "don't forget to be awesome".
Definitions include: "cunt".
Definitions include: Shortened form of "baby boomer".
Definitions include: An acronym has been invented for the term, but long after the term entered use: "Beautiful Intellectuals That Cause Hard-ons."
Definitions include: acronym for "on the other hand".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "parents."
Definitions include: "that".
Definitions include: acronym for "little old lady fall down go boom".

Other terms relating to 'many, much, lots':

Definitions include: used after a word as an intensifier or just for flair.
Definitions include: with a large amount or number present.
Definitions include: many or much.
Definitions include: many or much.
Definitions include: a lot of.
Definitions include: a notable number.
Definitions include: lots of.
Definitions include: a lot.
Definitions include: An extremely large amount.
Definitions include: for a long time.
Definitions include: many.
Definitions include: a lot of, "loads of"
Definitions include: a great amount.
Definitions include: many.
Definitions include: very; really; extremely.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: a dollar.
Definitions include: general derogatory term; "dick".
Definitions include: The process of removing the tags from items one has purchased, such as clothes, stuffed animals, furniture.
Definitions include: a male prostitute as in a boy who brings joy
Definitions include: Scary adorable dork
Definitions include: sex.
Definitions include: to aggravate; anger; annoy.
Definitions include: to defecate liquid feces.
Definitions include: of a male, to urinate.
Definitions include: The state or condition of the thing being of its original state, or the state or condition of the origin.

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 5 votes: 22%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">lotta</a>

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[ lotta]

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