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Definition of bonch


  • the external genitalia of male athletes, particularly baseball players.
    The catcher needed to adjust his bonch.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by Jason P. from Green Bay, WI, USA on Jan 25 2000.


  • the perineum.
    I shaved my bonch today.

    Last edited on May 28 2016. Submitted by Paul from Billings, MT, USA on Feb 11 2002.

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Definitions include: 15-7 related to the Original Gangster (OG). From "O" being the 15th letter and "G" being the 7th letter of the Roman alphabet.
Definitions include: genre of electronic music
Definitions include: comment made (usually by a male) after someone says something that a female might say.
Definitions include: truly serious.
Definitions include: an audio recording available for download from the internet.
Definitions include: to have non-functioning semen.
Definitions include: a young tramp.
Definitions include: to projectile vomit.
Definitions include: "vagina."
Definitions include: an easy-to-make variety of methamphetamine.

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