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Definition of breasteses

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)':

Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: acronym for "life protip".
Definitions include: acronym for "thank you so much".
Definitions include: acronym for "To Be Announced".
Definitions include: contraction of "glamorous camping".
Definitions include: acronym for "die in a fire".
Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: acronym for "I think I'm going [to] be sick" or "I think I'm gonna be sick".
Definitions include: "Go home, you're drunk," as a drunk person might say it.
Definitions include: a "syndrome" involving a company's hesitance or refusal to use any idea or product it didn't invent or create.
Definitions include: "never mind".
Definitions include: acronym for "this is not legal advice".
Definitions include: to trim a man's body hair.
Definitions include: acronym for "don't forget to be awesome".
Definitions include: acronym for "It's OK if you're a republican".

Other terms relating to 'breast, breasts':

Definitions include: large breasts on a man.
Definitions include: small breasts.
Definitions include: breast.
Definitions include: breasts
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: erect nipples.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: visible lower breast ("boob").
Definitions include: an extremely small breast.
Definitions include: breasts.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: a large breast.
Definitions include: breasts without implants.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: a breast.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to be doing.
Definitions include: testicles.
Definitions include: lots of.
Definitions include: a piece of computer hardware or software combining the best qualities of that type of hardware or software.
Definitions include: completely; very; extremely.
Definitions include: a mailman.
Definitions include: derogatory term for enthusiastic supporters of FOSS ("free and open source software".)
Definitions include: extremely obedient to one's significant other.
Definitions include: To perform oral sex on a female.
Definitions include: to act as oneself - to not put on a facade.

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Average of 3 votes: 10%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

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<a href="">breasteses</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ breasteses]

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