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Definition of burnout



  • reduction in job performance and life satisfaction due to prolonged stress, frustration, or boredom.


    Citation from "A strategy for beating burnout", Chronicle, Ron Consolino, Oct 2, 2009 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 26 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 07 2009.

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Other terms relating to 'drug user':

Definitions include: a person who uses methamphetamines.
Definitions include: a female, habitual user of methamphetamine.
Definitions include: an LSD user.
Definitions include: permanently impaired from drug abuse.
Definitions include: a person who has ingested such a large quantity of drugs (often over an extended period of time)
Definitions include: a female who is in a relationship only for illegal powdered drugs (e.g. cocaine,) which is often stored in a small bag.
Definitions include: fine; okay.
Definitions include: archaic term for a marijuana smoker.
Definitions include: a person who is known to use drugs and to be high all the time - especially one that uses crack.
Definitions include: nice, excellent, worthy of envy; "cool"; "tight"; "awesome"; etc.
Definitions include: person who is habitually intoxicated (from alcohol or other drugs).
Definitions include: a person who exchanges sex for drugs.
Definitions include: a drug addict.
Definitions include: a heavy user of acid (LSD).
Definitions include: a habitual drug user.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: variation of bullshit
Definitions include: A child of a thot
Definitions include: tattoo.
Definitions include: dried secretions or other foreign debris on or around the vulva.
Definitions include: to vomit, usually from over-consumption of alcohol.
Definitions include: myts, irregular form
Definitions include: suntan.
Definitions include: something self-defeating.
Definitions include: Used to described a stuck up girl.
Definitions include: a person with braces who has, or is expected to, cut a penis with said braces while performing fellatio.

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