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Definition of Cairo




  • One hypothesis is that the term comes from the region of southern Illinois known as "Little Egypt." One of its towns is Cairo. It is far away from Chicago both geographically and culturally.

    Last edited on Mar 02 2013. Submitted by fowler j. from Kansas City, MO, USA on Jul 29 1998.

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Other terms relating to 'far away, rural area, boring place':

Definitions include: a placeholder name for a remote, unhip location.
Definitions include: a place that is far from the current location.
Definitions include: a placeholder name for a location that is remote, uninteresting, or inhabited by detestable rural folk.
Definitions include: in the United States, the land between the east and west coasts.
Definitions include: an imaginary place where all the residents are hicks, rednecks, or otherwise backwards.
Definitions include: any location inconveniently far away; "the middle of nowhere".
Definitions include: a location inconveniently far away.
Definitions include: wild or rough terrain adjacent to a developed area.
Definitions include: any location inconveniently far away; "the middle of nowhere".
Definitions include: a place far from civilization.
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: any place away from excitement.
Definitions include: a very distant place.
Definitions include: a rural area.
Definitions include: acronym for Butt-Fuck, Egypt.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to the police station.
Definitions include: merchandise.
Definitions include: obsession of hunting a threat that is unknown
Definitions include: a mixture of cocaine and heroin to be injected.
Definitions include: The Police
Definitions include: to perform varicose vein surgery.
Definitions include: to put the smack down.
Definitions include: Used to describe someone with a small, boney, ass.
Definitions include: to be able to tolerate grossly disturbing things.
Definitions include: a general insult.

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[ Cairo]

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