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Definition of chaneph



  • a godless man, or godless or impious or profane or irreligious or hypocritical

    comes from Hebrew

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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Definitions include: prefix used to make something appear more complex or difficult.
Definitions include: To speak with eloquence, wit, and charm; to be particularly articulate and loquacious. The phrase is often used in a lighthearted or humorous context, and may suggest that the speaker has been inspired by some supernatural force or source of inspiration, such as the Blarney Stone in Ireland. It can also imply that the speaker has had a few drinks and is feeling particularly gregarious.
Definitions include: fellatio received while the receiver is defecating.
Definitions include: "married black male".
Definitions include: hooks, irregular plural of hook
Definitions include: time to get serious about doing something.
Definitions include: An individual who beleives God took a brake from creating the world 6,000 years ago in the middle of busy creaton week and choose a than non existent "race" of people and promissed them a real estate in the middle east... They use this "real estate deal" to justify the ethnic clensing of Palestine in the 21st Century.
Definitions include: a shortage of time.
Definitions include: abbreviation of "cold climate variant"
Definitions include: got someone mistaken

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