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Definition of cock and balls

cock and balls


  • male genitalia. See cock and balls.

    Citation from "Chapter 5", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 1 Episode 5 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Nov 04 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 05 2011.

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Other terms relating to 'and':

Definitions include: acronym for "assault and battery".
Definitions include: "rain".
Definitions include: Cockney rhyme for ''believe''.
Definitions include: to talk a lot but never take action.
Definitions include: clumsy.
Definitions include: better than all that.
Definitions include: the best.
Definitions include: without substance; all talk and no action.
Definitions include: a lot of money.
Definitions include: to get fouled in basketball and make the basket
Definitions include: used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount.
Definitions include: et cetera.
Definitions include: used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount.
Definitions include: a quantity between 1 and one order of magnitude lower than the quantity previously mentioned.
Definitions include: interjection of agreement.

Other terms relating to 'ball':

Definitions include: "amazing".
Definitions include: very.
Definitions include: shaved testicles.
Definitions include: to be successful.
Definitions include: significant other.
Definitions include: testicles.
Definitions include: a demanding superior.
Definitions include: pubic hair that is kept in a style that compares to a microphone head.
Definitions include: See ball; baller
Definitions include: to attempt to attract verbally; "hit on".
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: an estimate.
Definitions include: a rough numerical estimate.
Definitions include: exclamation of disappointment.
Definitions include: the scrotum.

Other terms relating to 'cock':

Definitions include: a very small penis.
Definitions include: acronym for "big black cock".
Definitions include: a phrase used in reference to someone under the influence of opiates who keeps nodding off with their mouth open, as it resembles performing fellatio.
Definitions include: acronym for "cock and ball torture", a form of sexual play.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: general insult; "jerk"; "asshole".
Definitions include: a person - usually female - who prevents her female friends from meeting, talking to, making out with, or having sex with males.
Definitions include: to interfere with a male's attempt to talk to a prospective romantic or sexual partner.
Definitions include: a person who cock blocks.
Definitions include: very strong, muscular, ripped, big muscles
Definitions include: any gathering, party, at which there are many more men than women.
Definitions include: Cockfest, BIG PARTY.
Definitions include: a person who you felt betrayed by or feel a strong dislike for.
Definitions include: in reference to a mouth.
Definitions include: the mouth.

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