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Definition of commentbomb


  • A youtube comment bomb is a personally typed message towards the uploaders audience showcasing the users chops as a musician. It was invented by Mike Taylor in 2020 to boost his youtube channel music page. Real artists are hurting and they need a way to promote their music. Comment bombs are generally for the heavy metal genre. Mike has comment bombed famous youtubers such as Logan Paul, Pewdiepie, and Mr. Beast. All artists are welcome to comment bomb other channels for a free promo but it's not a copy and paste type deal. You gotta thoroughly believe in what you are doing.

    Last edited on Dec 30 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 30 2020.

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Definitions include: unviolent, controllable anger
Definitions include: to be menstruating.
Definitions include: a wig.
Definitions include: When someone is high on Ecstasy (MDMA) and wants to just sit in a corner somewhere with their eyes shut.
Definitions include: acronym for "hot piece of ass".
Definitions include: acronym for "lysergic acid diethylamide".
Definitions include: a dangerous crazy person.
Definitions include: Douche bag You're a juice pouch!
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: Any Highland man living North of Cumbernauld, Scotland, who likes nothing better than a good fecht (fight)

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