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Definition of commie

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Other terms relating to 'miscellaneous insults (list of)':

Definitions include: An insult.
Definitions include: someone who pretends to be someone they're not, usually in dress and speech; "poseur"; "wannabe"; "fake".
Definitions include: a clumsy, oafish person.
Definitions include: acronym for "rear-echelon mother fucker".
Definitions include: derogatory.
Definitions include: computer software that occupies too many resources due to its preponderance of features.
Definitions include: offensive term for a homosexual male.
Definitions include: 1: a general insult, especially in competitive games.
Definitions include: to leave; go away.
Definitions include: a person who acts without thinking.
Definitions include: someone who is new to a particular group, activity, game, field of study, etc.
Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: a random insult.
Definitions include: a person who follows or mimics others, without thought.
Definitions include: to annoy someone.

Other terms relating to 'politics, government (related to)':

Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Democratic party.
Definitions include: acronym for "Grand Old Party."
Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Republican party.
Definitions include: acronym for "Democrat in Name Only."
Definitions include: politically far-right, and exhibiting Nazi-like tendencies such as fascism and white nationalism.
Definitions include: a young child.
Definitions include: a notice from an intelligence agency saying that a person is unreliable.
Definitions include: mean; spiteful; cruel.
Definitions include: the universal healthcare program in the United States proposed by the Obama administration.
Definitions include: a liberal Republican.
Definitions include: "neo-conservative".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "repugnant" used as an insulting term for a Republican.
Definitions include: acronym for "right-wing nut job".
Definitions include: the traditionally blue (Democratic) cities of Berkeley, California; Boulder, Colorado; and Brooklyn, New York, New York.
Definitions include: acronym for "Republican in name only".

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: the first decade of the 2000s.
Definitions include: an emphatic and comprehensive win.
Definitions include: meaing kafman
Definitions include: spelling variant of antigogglin.
Definitions include: misspelling of "gooch".
Definitions include: to work out of the office via a mobile device.
Definitions include: a close male friend.
Definitions include: noun.
Definitions include: Extremely ridiculous.
Definitions include: attractive; "hot".

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 14 votes: 43%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following.

<a href="">commie</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ commie]

Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.