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Definition of cuckservative

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'contractions (list of)':

Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: a day off from work.
Definitions include: "cocaine".
Definitions include: contraction of "about to."
Definitions include: "twat" + "fanny".
Definitions include: strange personal mannerism.
Definitions include: a person who is a "twat" + a "cunt".
Definitions include: northern California.
Definitions include: "I'm going to."
Definitions include: contraction of "trying to".
Definitions include: a person whose business involves marijuana.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "shoot 'em up".
Definitions include: contraction "trying to".
Definitions include: pejorative name for Microsoft Windows.
Definitions include: "good looking out".

Other terms relating to 'politics, government (related to)':

Definitions include: abbreviated form of "repugnant" used as an insulting term for a Republican.
Definitions include: pejorative term for a Communist.
Definitions include:
Definitions include: a member of the federal government.
Definitions include: This is a political insult which combines Democrat with hypocrite.
Definitions include: the traditionally blue (Democratic) cities of Berkeley, California; Boulder, Colorado; and Brooklyn, New York, New York.
Definitions include: "neo-conservative".
Definitions include: acronym for "first lady of the United States".
Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Republican party.
Definitions include: a communist.
Definitions include: a person with liberal political beliefs.
Definitions include: a government ruled by a group of thugs.
Definitions include: acronym for "Democrat in Name Only."
Definitions include: a person with progressive political views.
Definitions include: acronym for "Supreme Court of the United States".

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: a female with no class or standards.
Definitions include: to hit one's head hard enough to cause disorientation or damage.
Definitions include: something disappeared under unknown circumstances.
Definitions include: a small or short person.
Definitions include: an ugly girl with bad fashion and missing teeth.
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: the World Wide Web.
Definitions include: an area, such as a particular street, where prostitutes solicit customers.
Definitions include: an Ecstasy (MDMA) tablet.
Definitions include: a person who is stupid or doing something stupid at the time.

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Average of 0 votes: None  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

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<a href="">cuckservative</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ cuckservative]

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