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Definition of Democrite



  • This is a political insult which combines Democrat with hypocrite.

    Compare to libtard or Demoncrat.
    The DNC chair policy shift brought posts calling her a Democrite.

    Last edited on May 11 2017. Submitted by Dr. P.D. Fisher on Jan 08 2017.

  • This is a comical mocking of hypocrisy in the leftwing of the Democratic party.

    Compare to hypocrisy.
    The position switch regarding the FBI dismissal was a prime example of Democrites in action.

    Last edited on May 11 2017. Submitted by Dr. P.D. Fisher on May 11 2017.

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Other terms relating to 'politics, government (related to)':

Definitions include: a notice from an intelligence agency saying that a person is unreliable.
Definitions include: a member of the federal government.
Definitions include: "Secretary of Defense".
Definitions include: "neo-conservative".
Definitions include:
Definitions include: a person with liberal political beliefs.
Definitions include: a liberal Republican.
Definitions include: politically far-right, and exhibiting Nazi-like tendencies such as fascism and white nationalism.
Definitions include: sad.
Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Republican party.
Definitions include: acronym for "Supreme Court of the United States".
Definitions include: acronym for "first lady of the United States".
Definitions include: the universal healthcare program in the United States proposed by the Obama administration.
Definitions include: a politician.
Definitions include: acronym for "Democrat in Name Only."

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: easy.
Definitions include: "computer".
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: to get sucker-punched.
Definitions include: A person who calls other people his mommy, or mother. Example: Hung Tran is Enzo's enzo
Definitions include: a very short education in a subject.
Definitions include: A vidfie is a ten to twenty second spinning 360 degree video pointing at yourself to show your current location , the plural is Vidfies
Definitions include: a person who one has a secret attraction on.
Definitions include: a disapointment that need to stop spamming messages "Rae should be banned from life
Definitions include: Information, news

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[ Democrite]

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