Definition of crucify
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Other terms relating to 'to punish': |
Definitions include: to only get light punishment. |
Definitions include: to complain, scold, or nag. |
Definitions include: to kill, usually with a firearm. |
Definitions include: to punish one or more people due to a mistake, usually in a workplace environment or business context. |
Definitions include: to complain, scold, harass, or nag as to provoke anger. |
Definitions include: a punishment for something small. |
Definitions include: to break one's kneecaps as a form of punishment. |
Definitions include: a person who must travel in the trunk of a car because there are no seats left. |
Definitions include: a light punishment. |
Definitions include: to punish. |
Definitions include: to punish. |
Slang terms with the same root words
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| Definitions include: relaxation chant. |
| Definitions include: to perform a light show / dance while wearing gloves. |
| Definitions include: back pain from sitting for an extended period of time with a large wallet in one's back pocket. |
| Definitions include: mybs, irregular form |
| Definitions include: expensive. |
| Definitions include: pejorative term for a person involved in marketing. |
| Definitions include: to describe something as brutal or hardcore. it's called "metal" as in comparison to the harsh sound of heavy metal music. |
| Definitions include: marketing based typically on word-of-mouth (including transmission via computer-based mediums, e.g. social networking.) |
| Definitions include: to have sex or engage in other sexual activities. |
| Definitions include: to masturbate. |
I use it | (6) |
No longer use it | (1) |
Heard it but never used it | (4) |
Have never heard it | (0) |
Average of 10 votes:
34% (See the most vulgar words.)
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the word is – not how mean it is.)
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<a href="">crucify</a>
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[ crucify]
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