The Online Slang Dictionary
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Definition of dupe

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Other terms relating to 'to make a copy, pirate, bootleg':

Definitions include: to sell or transmit stolen "intellectual property" (e.g. software, compact discs, etc.)
Definitions include: a lower-quality version of something.
Definitions include: a member of the computer subculture which trades in illegal copies of copyrighted software.
Definitions include: commercial software available for piracy on the same day it is released to the public.
Definitions include: to give someone a bad bargain.
Definitions include: pirated commercial software.

Other terms relating to 'to take advantage of, cheat, trick':

Definitions include: to completely ("fat") take advantage ("dick").
Definitions include: a male talented in attracting females.
Definitions include: to be taken advantage of; GET SCREWED.
Definitions include: to tease, trick, deceive.
Definitions include: To mislead or to give (or receive) bad directions.
Definitions include: police.
Definitions include: to take advantage of.
Definitions include: a female who is in a relationship only for illegal powdered drugs (e.g. cocaine,) which is often stored in a small bag.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: to take advantage of.
Definitions include: a person being used in a relationship sense for money or what they can do for the user.
Definitions include: a command (usually given by objects) implying that one is about to be taken advantage of, be in a bad situation, or fail miserably.
Definitions include: to arrange things in one's favor.
Definitions include: defecating in the tank of a toilet, causing it to clog.
Definitions include: to kid.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: a woman who a tow truck operator met on a service call and who then had intimate physical contact with said tow truck operator.
Definitions include: "where the fuck".
Definitions include: the cleft between the cheeks of the buttocks.
Definitions include: to enjoy.
Definitions include: to defecate (based on pooping being #2)
Definitions include: a lot of.
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: to be superior to, in some way.
Definitions include: good
Definitions include: to get one's life in order.

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 18 votes: 29%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

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<a href="">dupe</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ dupe]

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