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Definition of faithfulnessist



  • a person who believes in faithfulness as the highest moral virtue

    Last edited on Oct 03 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 03 2024.

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Definitions include: the restaurant "Pizza Hut".
Definitions include: An elegant, cleverly stylish, cute, young woman.
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Definitions include: Expression of disappointment, similar to 'bummer', though more forceful. 'Bummer' tends to be used when something unforeseen and unfortunate occurs. 'Rats', on the other hand tends to be used when you have been making a concerted effort to do something and it suddenly fails. You only use 'rats' about your own misfortune. You can use 'bummer' sympathetically also about someone else's misfortune.
Definitions include: intoxicated.
Definitions include: to chill and relax; "hang out".
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Definitions include: to urinate in one's pants.
Definitions include: a person or thing in disarray.

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