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Definition of foot gun

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Other terms relating to 'computer slang':

Definitions include: to work on a pre-existing problem, program, or piece of source code.
Definitions include: acronym for "age sex location race picture".
Definitions include: acronym for "my reaction when".
Definitions include: the place where all deleted, lost, or misdirected data goes to.
Definitions include: online chatting acronym for "age, sex, location?"
Definitions include: a cable connector device with either two male or two female connectors on it, used to connect mismatched cables.
Definitions include: acronym for "I don't give a fuck."
Definitions include: a pejorative term for both the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), likening them to the mafia.
Definitions include: to do an internet search on someone or something.
Definitions include: "Freeware" was originally the trademark of "PC-Talk" author Andrew Fluegelman.
Definitions include: acronym for "on the way".
Definitions include: to cause a software or hardware bug to become evident.
Definitions include: acronym for "Read the fucking manual."
Definitions include: This theorem has been traced to the mathematician E'mile Borel in 1913, and was first popularized by the astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington.
Definitions include: acronym for "for what it's worth".

Other terms relating to 'to make a mistake, be incorrect, err':

Definitions include: an erection.
Definitions include: "Bollocks" is also the present tense and plural form of bollock.
Definitions include: to make an irreparable (possibly tragic) mistake.
Definitions include: to be of poor quality, displeasing.
Definitions include: to arrive unexpectedly and uninvited, esp. to a social function such as a party or ceremony.
Definitions include: confused, ruined; "messed up".
Definitions include: a person or object that erred.
Definitions include: to ruin; "mess up".
Definitions include: to botch.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: to mess up.
Definitions include: to take advantage of.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to make a mistake.
Definitions include: a breast.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to attempt to attract; "pick up".
Definitions include: studious.
Definitions include: to chat.
Definitions include: An abbreviated form of "mom and them," that refers to one's mother's, family, and friends.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated
Definitions include: to go crazy; "go postal".
Definitions include: a work shift that takes place in the evening, usually from 4pm-midnight
Definitions include: alternate spelling of "shut up".
Definitions include: stomach.
Definitions include: a computer hacker who hacks for a cause.

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Average of 3 votes: 5%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">foot gun</a>

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[ foot gun]

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