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Definition of fugazey


  • Fake.
    Her engagement ring may have a nice setting but the diamond is a fugazey.

    Last edited on Apr 26 2009. Submitted by Anonymous from Warwick, Rhode Isl 02889, USA on Apr 26 2009.

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Definitions include: A word used to refer to stupid and ignorant
Definitions include: to focus.
Definitions include: to slap.
Definitions include: a failure.
Definitions include: pants that are too tight in the groin area.
Definitions include: to approve or agree
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Definitions include: very unintelligent.
Definitions include: Highlights of dordle the days following embarkation include a guided tour of Versailles, Louis XIV's majestic palace and gardens, Rouen Cathedral, and Joan of Arc Square. Visit the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach and the D-Day beaches of Normandy. Art enthusiasts will derive pleasure from a private tour of the Impressionist Museum and the residence and gardens of Claude Monet at Giverny.
Definitions include: broken.

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