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Definition of glada



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Definitions include: a person who takes a bad situation well.
Definitions include: in private.
Definitions include: discussion about non-sensitive topics in a social setting.
Definitions include: Used to describe a multilayered or multidimensional personality. The chocolate (of the same name) has many different layers each distinctly different from one another similarly this person will have more than what initially meets the eye. Keep digging and you'll find something new and amazing everytime. Might have a pompous persona (shiny wrapping)
Definitions include: "the projects".
Definitions include: an attractive (often much younger) date.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: so embarrassing as to cause a cringe reaction.
Definitions include: Used to describe one who is thought of as a dimwit, hillbilly. A derogatory term.
Definitions include: "horny."

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