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Definition of goth



  • a person who wears all-black clothing with lots of silver chains. Generally goths are classed as "out casts" from "normal" society. A Pentagram may be worn round the neck on a silver chain.

    Last edited on May 19 2011. Submitted by Abi from Oxfordshire, UK on Dec 28 2003.

noun - uncountable

  • a sub-genre of punk, sometimes referred to as "post-punk". Related genres are Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Gothic-Industrial, Industrial, Cyberpunk, Horror Punk, Hardcore Industrial Noise, Black Metal, etc., as these generally appeal to many, if not, most goths.

    Last edited on May 19 2011. Submitted by DocThommahawk from Nassau County, New York, USA on Nov 11 2009.

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Definitions include: popular due to being forwarded between people who know each other.
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Definitions include: extremely bad.
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Definitions include: When a group of people, usually men, wear underpants on their head and drink beer.
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