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Definition of gunned for

gun for


  • to attempt to reach a goal.
    He's gunning for president.

    Last edited on Aug 09 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 11 2009.

  • to attempt to defeat.

    Citation from ""Bachelor Pad" premieres", Salon, Chris Le, Aug 9 2010 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Aug 09 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 09 2010.

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Other terms relating to 'to attempt, try':

Definitions include: to mistreat.
Definitions include: to attempt.
Definitions include: to risk everything in some endeavor.
Definitions include: something that is so exceptionally good or fun it could be as addictive as crack (i.e. crack cocaine).
Definitions include: the occurrence of telling a woman that one has accidentally gotten pregnant that one loves her and to convince her that having an abortion will be the best thing for the relationship.
Definitions include: to attempt something without preparation.
Definitions include: to attempt.
Definitions include: to continue trying something that one has had difficulty with in the past.
Definitions include: to attempt something.
Definitions include: a practice attempt, without performing the actual action.
Definitions include: to try to determine.
Definitions include: to make a strong attempt.
Definitions include: broken.
Definitions include: to make a futile attempt.
Definitions include: to make an attempt.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'for':

Definitions include: taking a passive role.
Definitions include: attracted to young males.
Definitions include: return on one's money spent.
Definitions include: to be homosexual.
Definitions include: acronym for "best friend(s) for life".
Definitions include: a phrase used in reference to someone under the influence of opiates who keeps nodding off with their mouth open, as it resembles performing fellatio.
Definitions include: so compatible that even the known bugs of product A were replicated in the "bug-for-bug compatible" product B.
Definitions include: British expression meaning that the speaker doesn't want to do something.
Definitions include: to need to urinate.
Definitions include: to be excited about.
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: to vomit (noisily).
Definitions include: the person is going to be in trouble.
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: fat.

Other terms relating to 'gun':

Definitions include: Someone being butthurt over having something, they do to others regularly, done to the them
Definitions include: a small, close range, snubnosed revolver, typically of a powerful caliber.
Definitions include: a powerful person.
Definitions include: a comical mocking expression in the military and police when a trainee seems hopeless at hand to hand fighting.
Definitions include: to commit suicide via a gunshot to the roof of one's mouth.
Definitions include: to perform a task in which the resources to complete it are woefully inadequate.
Definitions include: to be successful.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool"; "sick"; "wicked".
Definitions include: to accelerate, especially in an automobile.
Definitions include: biceps.
Definitions include: frightened.
Definitions include: a person hired for their expertise.
Definitions include: friendly greeting, especially after not having seen someone in a long time.
Definitions include: promotional material.
Definitions include: under pressure.

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