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Definition of hacks it up

hack up

verb - transitive

  • to hack, with the result being something quickly and sloppily created, or modified to solve a particular problem.

    Last edited on Nov 10 2011. Submitted by WalterGR (via TheJargonFile) on Aug 14 2009.

  • to cut up or chop up.
    The serial killer hacked up the sheriff at the end of the movie.

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 02 2010.

  • to cough up.

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by Rudy from Hartford, CT, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'computer slang':

Definitions include: to add something to the beginning; "prefix".
Definitions include: acronym for "love you like a brother".
Definitions include: a hypothetical affliction that causes programs to run more poorly over time.
Definitions include: the act of telling a person or group everything one knows about a particular topic.
Definitions include: acronym for "way TMI", i.e. "way too much information".
Definitions include: acronym for "more to follow".
Definitions include: testing of a software application, performed on devices (such as computers and cell phones) made available to potential purchasers in retail stores.
Definitions include: acronym for "Jesus Fucking Christ".
Definitions include: to occupy a domain name that is a misspelling of a popular website.
Definitions include: acronym for "talk amongst yourselves".
Definitions include: a piece of non-functioning or outdated equipment that is inexplicably kept on premises - perhaps to serve as a doorstop.
Definitions include: The human nervous system, as opposed to computer hardware or software.
Definitions include: of software, poorly built due to the accumulation of code written over a long period of time.
Definitions include: acronym for "not safe for life".
Definitions include: something deceptive.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'hack':

Definitions include: to play with a Hacky Sack (footbag.)
Definitions include: extremely mad or irritated.
Definitions include: a system that was created by hacking it up over time.
Definitions include: while "hacker" originally had positive connotations, it has since come to refer to individuals who sometimes use computers with malicious intent.
Definitions include: To engage in any activity intensely, especially to be intent on using one's computer for any purpose, though not necessarily engaging in illegal activity via the internet.
Definitions include: to perform one's duties.
Definitions include: a permit, license or other authority issued by a governmental agency authorizing a person to drive a taxicab in service to customers in that area.
Definitions include: to make a person angry.
Definitions include: to work on a pre-existing problem, program, or piece of source code.
Definitions include: to masturbate
Definitions include: to hack, with the result being something quickly and sloppily created, or modified to solve a particular problem.
Definitions include: "hacker".
Definitions include: spelling variant of "hacker".
Definitions include: "leet" spelling of "hacker".
Definitions include: a l33t hax0r.

Other terms relating to 'up':

Definitions include: a warning that one or more law enforcement officers are near.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: to misbehave.
Definitions include: acronym of "all fucked up."
Definitions include: well dressed, wearing makeup, etc.
Definitions include: doing something emphatically.
Definitions include: energetic due to consumption of a stimulant.
Definitions include: to increase.
Definitions include: to contribute one's share.
Definitions include: to mess up.
Definitions include: 1. To be highly intoxicated on drugs and/or alcohol
Definitions include: to make something like ass.
Definitions include: strange, stupid; "weird".
Definitions include: stupid.
Definitions include: strange / stupid.

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