The Online Slang Dictionary
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Definition of Lambo

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'car, motorcycle, or other vehicle':

Definitions include: a car in the style of those stereotypically driven by pimps.
Definitions include: a vehicle.
Definitions include: a cheap, worn out car that just barely functions.
Definitions include: a motorcycle.
Definitions include: to overcome, to conquer.
Definitions include: a motor vehicle in which one shags - i.e. has sex.
Definitions include: a decrepit automobile.
Definitions include: a fixed-gear bicycle.
Definitions include: a car with 4 cylinders.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of hoopty.
Definitions include: a large truck; "18-wheeler".
Definitions include: anus.
Definitions include: a large car.
Definitions include: a Mercedes-Benz brand automobile.
Definitions include: an automobile of the type stereotypically found in "ghetto" areas.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: in soccer (football), the kick of a ball through an opponent's legs.
Definitions include: 1. a large coffee required to cope with a complex task
Definitions include: A household utensil for boiling or a caldron, fishhook, pan, washpot or thorn, especially a masculine one
Definitions include: scrotum.
Definitions include: to put one's hands up a person's shirt, with hand-on-skin contact, e.g. the fondling of breasts.
Definitions include: to be able to pay one's bills.
Definitions include: sex.
Definitions include: good.
Definitions include: wined em up
Definitions include: "pro-anorexic."

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 14 votes: 45%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">Lambo</a>

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[ Lambo]

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