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Definition of Benz

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Other terms relating to 'abbreviations (list of)':

Definitions include: "polygamist".
Definitions include: "picture."
Definitions include: skanky ho.
Definitions include: admission paid to get into a bar, dance club, etc.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "babe".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "hook up".
Definitions include: short for "what's up?" as in "what's happening with you?" or "hello."
Definitions include: "password."
Definitions include: shortened form of "documentary".
Definitions include: cafeteria.
Definitions include: "jackass"; "sucker".
Definitions include: "probably".
Definitions include: "competition".
Definitions include: to destroy.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "professor".

Other terms relating to 'car, motorcycle, or other vehicle':

Definitions include: alternate spelling of hoopty.
Definitions include: a limousine.
Definitions include: of poor quality, displeasing.
Definitions include: a car in the style of those stereotypically driven by pimps.
Definitions include: a small, usually propeller-driven, plane.
Definitions include: a vehicle.
Definitions include: small car with lots of power.
Definitions include: a BMW automobile.
Definitions include: a needle used to inject drugs.
Definitions include: shoes or sneakers.
Definitions include: a Lamborghini motor vehicle.
Definitions include: a fixed-gear bicycle.
Definitions include: any car in disrepair.
Definitions include: an attractive female.
Definitions include: an automobile in poor condition.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: guy who scores with lots of chicks
Definitions include: letting one's emotions negatively affect one's performance.
Definitions include: a sensitive person.
Definitions include: to hit. Often spoken as a sound effect when playfully hitting a friend, especially when they do or say something stupid.
Definitions include: Misspelling of manssiere.
Definitions include: to take control.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: A expression saying that someone doing something they can't or someone saying they will do something is false. Example: "I'm gonna dunk this 10 foot rim, ready?" Other says "How old are you?" He says "12." Boy says "That though.... Other ways of pronouncing it:That-Dhat Do(pronounce dat-do)
Definitions include: family going back two generations, so all the members of the family of one's great-grandparents from either side of the genealogy.
Definitions include: Stolen car

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Average of 2 votes: 27%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">Benz</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ Benz]

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