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Definition of mandinga


  • good friend. "homey." originated from the movie Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
    What's up, mandinga?

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Rock L. from Artesia, CA, USA on Feb 17 2003.

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Other terms relating to 'friend, friends':

Definitions include: spelling variant of "dog".
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: form of address for a friend.
Definitions include: to look out for one's interests or well-being.
Definitions include: acronym for "best friend(s) forever".
Definitions include: See also the man.
Definitions include: acronym for "best friend forever" or "best friends forever".
Definitions include: a best friend.
Definitions include: a best friend; "sidekick"; "partner in crime".
Definitions include: "fellow", i.e. a man.
Definitions include: homey, friend.
Definitions include: "bro" / "brother."
Definitions include: very close friends.
Definitions include: friend.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: the one party of a swinging couple who seeks to be in the lifestyle as opposed to the other party who does not.
Definitions include: A combination of the Islamic term, dhimmi, meaning an infidel who dwells as second-class citizen within Islam while remaining subservient to it; and a member of the Democrat Party. The Bill of Rights is being trashed by Dhimmicrats.
Definitions include: (Linguistical English) A method of making Latinate affixes related to quantity be derived from the accusative plural case of the Latin word in which the Latinate affix is conjugated from.
Definitions include: chimp - marijuana.
Definitions include: live.
Definitions include: Being taken advantage of in jail. ( usually occurs when one drops his soap in the shower room).
Definitions include: acronym for "on my way".
Definitions include: a very large number.
Definitions include: to put in order.
Definitions include: to forcefully penetrate a person's throat with a penis or dildo.

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