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Definition of Norwegian


  • music chord. Cockney rhyming slang Norwegian Fjords. Used by UK jazz musicians
    Those Norwegians he was playing were rubbish.

    Last edited on Apr 09 2005. Submitted by Jill G. from Westminster, London, UK on Apr 09 2005.

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Other terms relating to 'British, UK slang (list of)':

Definitions include: "nerd"; "geek".
Definitions include: unclean, foul, gross.
Definitions include: The BBC: British Broadcasting Company.
Definitions include: acronym for "lights on but nobody home", an insulting notation used by doctors in the UK on medical charts.
Definitions include: an extended period of alcohol or drug use.
Definitions include: nickname for a surgeon, used by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: upset, disappointed.
Definitions include: a male homosexual's sexual partner.
Definitions include: an unusually ugly woman.
Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: an intensifier.
Definitions include: a bachelorette party.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool"; "awesome".
Definitions include: to cheer up.
Definitions include: a penis.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: To walk somewhere, around somewhere in a slightly pompous fashion, based on how a Swan swims.
Definitions include: a shortened term for "Glendale".
Definitions include: misspelling of floozie.
Definitions include: animal, monosyllabic form
Definitions include: to blow up into bits.
Definitions include: very drunk.
Definitions include: BSN BAMBAM is a 17 yr old rapper from Freeport, Texas who is most popular in his Town from his "16 & life" EP released several months back, Reaching over 40,000 streams at the time of this post.
Definitions include: having large, rippling muscles and extremely low body fat.
Definitions include: To exhibit an unusual amount of popular taste, particular with regards to personal appearance and living space.
Definitions include: related to or similar to a fraternity.

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[ Norwegian]

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