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Definition of obeast


  • variation on the word obese. A large, very ugly person.
    That cheese hog is obeast.

    Last edited on Nov 21 2002. Submitted by Sherri D. from Pittsburgh, PA, USA on Nov 21 2002.

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Other terms relating to 'overweight, fat':

Definitions include: euphemism for overweight.
Definitions include: with skinny or normal-sized arms and legs, but with a large stomach and possibly (for men only) fatty breasts.
Definitions include: having a nice body.
Definitions include: chubby.
Definitions include: confused, problematic, troublesome.
Definitions include: an overweight or large goth.
Definitions include: overweight.
Definitions include: "dad bod" i.e. "dad body".
Definitions include: a police officer.
Definitions include: extremely unattractive.
Definitions include: pig.

Other terms relating to 'unattractive, ugly':

Definitions include: Rural Southern Alabama.
Definitions include: Short form of 'punk fucking ugly'.
Definitions include: very fugly.
Definitions include: unattractive.
Definitions include: disturbingly unattractive; ugly.
Definitions include: to vomit
Definitions include: Extremely unattractive; far from appealing.
Definitions include: attractive from a distance but unattractive on closer inspection.
Definitions include: a bad odor.
Definitions include: extremely ugly; "hideous".
Definitions include: a person so promiscuous as to be disgusting.
Definitions include: messy, trashy, or dilapidated.
Definitions include: extremely ugly.
Definitions include: ugly, weird.
Definitions include: extremely ugly.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: something specific that brings bad luck.
Definitions include: Euphemism for vagina. Compare with whispering eye "Had myself a juicy morning orange last night" "Yeah, ended up in a thigh choke hold till I passed out last night after I bit into a delicious morning orange myself. Just couldn't help it."
Definitions include: word used by magicians as they unveiled a trick.
Definitions include: to act in an exaggerated style, usually to make people laugh.
Definitions include: the leet spelling of "elite".
Definitions include: a stupid person or someone that you don't know and don't like.
Definitions include: Old southern term for medicinal plants.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: n. Nothing (getting nothing)
Definitions include: spelling and pronunciation variant of "shake the spot", meaning to leave.

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