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Definition of spinnas



  • showy vehicle rims made with independently spinning surfaces that continue to spin (inside the rim) when the vehicle stops.

    Last edited on Nov 22 2010. Submitted by David C. on Sep 19 2004.

  • a petite female. Origin: a woman small enough that she can be spun around while on top of a man during sex.
    The girl I hooked up with last night was a spinner.

    Last edited on Nov 22 2010. Submitted by Dave E. from Huntington Beach, CA 92646, USA on Aug 01 2005.

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Other terms relating to 'spin':

Definitions include: to play records.
Definitions include: Used to describe a heavy or particularly nasty bowel movement, indicating that streaks have been left on the interior of the toilet bowl after flushing.
Definitions include: a person (usually involved in Public Relations) who attempt to put a positive "spin" on bad news that surfaces about a client.
Definitions include: the physical sensation that the room or nearby area is spinning - despite it being stationary - due to consumption of drugs or alcohol.
Definitions include: to take a ride in or on a motor vehicle, for fun.

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