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Definition of squealin'

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Other terms relating to 'to betray':

Definitions include: to inform on (i.e. report the misdeeds) of someone else; "tattle".
Definitions include: a traitor.
Definitions include: to betray, to wrong.
Definitions include: to report misdeeds to authorities or authority figures; "tell on".
Definitions include: to inform the authorities of a person's involvement in a crime, for personal benefit.
Definitions include: to inform about a crime.
Definitions include: to perform fellatio in which the penetration is deep.
Definitions include: to look up someone on the internet.
Definitions include: to tell the authorities details of a crime; "rat out".
Definitions include: to do something bad to a person.
Definitions include: to inform the authorities (e.g. police) that someone was involved in a crime.
Definitions include: to report misdeeds to an authority; "narc", "snitch".
Definitions include: fairly common misspelling of tattle tale.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: used with an adjective conveying intoxication, to amplify said adjective.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of stiffy.
Definitions include: popular due to being forwarded between people who know each other.
Definitions include: a soft, sticky, mat-like film attached to the surface of teeth causing the sensation of having spun yarn in one's mouth.
Definitions include: Position during sex where female sits astride male, facing his feet.
Definitions include: a person was is extremely jealous.
Definitions include: variant of bounce, i.e. to leave.
Definitions include: a dismissive retort; "go to hell".
Definitions include: feces.
Definitions include: fresh, deep, uncut snow.

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Average of 8 votes: 30%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="'">squealin'</a>

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[' squealin']

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