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Definition of sticking a fork in us

stick a fork in

verb - transitive

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'under the influence of alcohol, drunk':

Definitions include: drunk.
Definitions include: ridiculously, or extremely drunk, to the point of lost or motor skills.
Definitions include: broken.
Definitions include: To be drunk or high.
Definitions include: so drunk that it's the alcohol talking, not you.
Definitions include: very drunk.
Definitions include: severely under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Definitions include: drunk.
Definitions include: to stare with sexual intent.
Definitions include: severely under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Definitions include: extremely drunk.
Definitions include: to be very drunk.
Definitions include: inebriated.
Definitions include: very drunk.
Definitions include: very drunk.

Other terms relating to 'under the influence of drugs':

Definitions include: intoxicated from drugs.
Definitions include: under the influence of drugs
Definitions include: surprising, strange, freaky, weird, or amazing.
Definitions include: to dance.
Definitions include: on cocaine.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: to act foolish; under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or to do something dangerous.
Definitions include: to severely beat up or injure.
Definitions include: under the influence of drugs, often LSD ("acid").
Definitions include: under the influence of Ecstasy (MDMA).
Definitions include: When someone is high on Ecstasy (MDMA) and wants to just sit in a corner somewhere with their eyes shut.
Definitions include: To be high on prescription narcotics.
Definitions include: strange, as if sedated or otherwise on drugs.
Definitions include: to be under the influence of methamphetamine.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated or under the influence of a drug.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'a':

Definitions include: amphetamine.
Definitions include: the best.
Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting.
Definitions include: excessive.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: In the West/Central Canadian accent, "about" is pronounced somewhere between "aboot" and "a boat".
Definitions include: a little crazy
Definitions include: an unspecified small number.
Definitions include: to play around.
Definitions include: very common.
Definitions include: a mythical creature who is extremely happy or fortunate.
Definitions include: a non-specified price.
Definitions include: a non-specified price.
Definitions include: to collide with a tree.
Definitions include: an ugly face.

Other terms relating to 'fork':

Definitions include: a replacement for the offensive term "fuck".
Definitions include: to be disrespected or abused; started in a classroom in New Baltimore, MI as an alternative to less tasteful descriptive terms.
Definitions include: "fucking".
Definitions include: to pay for.

Other terms relating to 'in':

Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: involving everyone or everything.
Definitions include: doing something emphatically.
Definitions include: no chance.
Definitions include: something easy.
Definitions include: at some time before the present.
Definitions include: having resumed an activity that one had previously stopped performing.
Definitions include: included.
Definitions include: clitoris.
Definitions include: to intrude.
Definitions include: See barge in.
Definitions include: To beat someone up, inflict head injury
Definitions include: visible mucus in one's nostrils.
Definitions include: acronym for "be back in a bit", i.e. "I will return in a short amount of time."

Other terms relating to 'stick':

Definitions include: unattractive.
Definitions include: censored version of fuckstick.
Definitions include: a shotgun.
Definitions include: cigarette.
Definitions include: general exclamation.
Definitions include: a metaphorical stick one gets hit with to become informed (i.e. to get a clue.)
Definitions include: "Oh crap", that sucks, bummer. (Similar to "shitballs")
Definitions include: a cigarette.
Definitions include: cigarette.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: interjection of disappointment.
Definitions include: a gun.
Definitions include: a cigarette.
Definitions include: a real idiot, a piece of shit of a person.
Definitions include: a derogatory term for an idiot.

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Average of 10 votes: 27%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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