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Definition of subsub



  • "you better shut up, bitch (boy, brah, bastard)!" Seen often in the middle of Instagram cross-talk when commenters don't get along.

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Feb 26 2018. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 05 2017.

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Definitions include: broken or not functioning properly.
Definitions include: an exclamation of amazement.
Definitions include: buffalo chicken and ranch pizza
Definitions include: a (usually) older male who is dating a (usually) younger female and gives her a lot of gifts and money, like a father might give to his daughter.
Definitions include: irmatrabolitionist, shortening of irmatrabolitionist
Definitions include: doing things in way a gangster would.
Definitions include: sick or hurt.
Definitions include: to swallow a person's semen.
Definitions include: Commonly abbreviated form of dodgy, meaning of a dangerous nature.
Definitions include: an item whose true name is unknown.

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