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Definition of sucking it up

suck it up


  • to deal with something displeasing.


    Citation from "Party Down Company Picnic", Party Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 7 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.
    In negotiations about a disagreement, a team member was told to suck it up.

    Last edited on Apr 18 2013. Submitted by L. D. from Hill and DL, Seguin, ON, Canada on Dec 19 2000.

  • to deal with something displeasing without complaining.
    I sucked it up and didn't cry.

    Last edited on May 13 2013. Submitted by Devon S. from Seoul, South Korea on Apr 05 2004.

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Other terms relating to 'it':

Definitions include: in support of.
Definitions include: a good estimate.
Definitions include: acronym for "as far as I understand it".
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: for a male to have sexual intercourse.
Definitions include: to fall and hit the ground.
Definitions include: not showering before bed after working all day.
Definitions include: to display bling-bling.
Definitions include: to completely fail a task.
Definitions include: acronym of "bend over here it comes again."
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: to move very fast.
Definitions include: to drink heavily.
Definitions include: see about it.
Definitions include: to be in agreement with something or wanting to do something.

Other terms relating to 'suck':

Definitions include: something displeasing.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: having great oral sex skills.
Definitions include: a cum guzzling cock sucker.
Definitions include: mouth.
Definitions include: acronym for "dick sucking lips."
Definitions include: an obsequious person.
Definitions include: a dismissive comment or retort.
Definitions include: to browse the internet for many hours while accomplishing little of value.
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: very bad.
Definitions include: A low life degenerate. A swamp dwelling inbred pedophile.

Other terms relating to 'up':

Definitions include: a warning that one or more law enforcement officers are near.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: to misbehave.
Definitions include: acronym of "all fucked up."
Definitions include: well dressed, wearing makeup, etc.
Definitions include: doing something emphatically.
Definitions include: energetic due to consumption of a stimulant.
Definitions include: to increase.
Definitions include: to contribute one's share.
Definitions include: to mess up.
Definitions include: 1. To be highly intoxicated on drugs and/or alcohol
Definitions include: to make something like ass.
Definitions include: strange, stupid; "weird".
Definitions include: stupid.
Definitions include: strange / stupid.

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