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Definition of Supers Balling

Super Balling


  • A moment in time or period of your life when you are crushing it in every aspect of your life.
    Damn it...Master Mancino is super balling it!

    Last edited on Sep 01 2016. Submitted by jonny whackbomb from Erie, PA, USA on Sep 01 2016.

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Other terms relating to 'ball':

Definitions include: "amazing".
Definitions include: very.
Definitions include: shaved testicles.
Definitions include: to be successful.
Definitions include: significant other.
Definitions include: testicles.
Definitions include: a demanding superior.
Definitions include: pubic hair that is kept in a style that compares to a microphone head.
Definitions include: See ball; baller
Definitions include: to attempt to attract verbally; "hit on".
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: an estimate.
Definitions include: a rough numerical estimate.
Definitions include: exclamation of disappointment.
Definitions include: the scrotum.

Other terms relating to 'super':

Definitions include: a landlord.
Definitions include: a big freak.
Definitions include: a term referring to the act of female ejaculation or squirting.
Definitions include: to defecate.

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