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Definition of sword fights

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'a party, event, gathering, meeting':

Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: used to express displeasure, disagreement, disappointment, or disgust.
Definitions include: a big party.
Definitions include: "anything but clothes party".
Definitions include: a grand party.
Definitions include: to recline, as in a reclining chair.
Definitions include: a party.
Definitions include: a party.
Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: a gathering with many more males than females.
Definitions include: a break in the workday when employees gather to ingest drugs.
Definitions include: a rave.
Definitions include: to hook up.
Definitions include: press conference.
Definitions include: a period of time during which one engages sexually with another person.

Other terms relating to 'bad, poor, sucks, common, generally displeasing':

Definitions include: a hack or involving a hack.
Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: displeasing; of poor quality; "uncool".
Definitions include: bad. Possible origin: Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Definitions include: an item of poor quality.
Definitions include: acronym of "shit out of luck", meaning that there is nothing one can do to remedy some situation.
Definitions include: of poor quality, unusable, intolerable.
Definitions include: off-brand.
Definitions include: "shitty".
Definitions include: not cool.
Definitions include: of poor quality.
Definitions include: to make something like ass.
Definitions include: suspicious; "shady".
Definitions include: confused, ruined; "messed up".
Definitions include: extremely ugly.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'fight':

Definitions include: a grand party.
Definitions include: a light-hearted verbal duel between two people.
Definitions include: a fight between two or more females.
Definitions include: to perform a task in which the resources to complete it are woefully inadequate.
Definitions include: to deal with urgent problems (usually at work.)
Definitions include: to have a vested interest in the outcome of a situation.

Other terms relating to 'sword':

Definitions include: when two or more males urinate in the same basin.
Definitions include: penis.

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Average of 14 votes: 65%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">sword fights</a>

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[ sword fights]

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