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Definition of whodi



  • friend. Pronounced "hood-ee" or "whoa-dee."
    We're from the same hood (aka neighborhood). He's my whodi.
    (by Joe Gervais of Saint Paul MN, Jun 22, 2011)
    See that dude? He's my whodi.

    Last edited on Jun 22 2011. Submitted by Krista K. from Kitchener, ON, Canada on Nov 01 2001.


  • Most likely an extension of the word hood; but in reference to a person, "whodi" sounds like hood-ee -- making "whodi" the ebonic spelling (i.e. "hoo" sounds like "who"; so, hood becomes "whod", and "ee" becomes "i" -- thus, hood-ee becomes "whod-i"). Ebonics spelling reference: "w" is usually added whenever possible; see spelling and definition of dawg. (by Joe Gervais from Saint Paul, MN -- June 22, 2011)

    Possibly from New Orleans which is divided into areas called "wards." "Whodi" is then "wardee", i.e. a person from one's ward.

    Last edited on Jun 22 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 28 2003.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'friend, friends':

Definitions include: acronym for "friends with benefits".
Definitions include: "extended" family, sometimes including close friends.
Definitions include: to have sex unprotected.
Definitions include: friends only for the purpose of having intercourse.
Definitions include: Also used as 'neezy' as in the phrase "Fo' sheezy my neezy."
Definitions include: "sister".
Definitions include: a person with poor personal style.
Definitions include: a female travel-companion.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: a clique of people.
Definitions include: inseparable.
Definitions include: a close friend.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: "Internet BFF", i.e. "Internet Best Friend(s) Forever".
Definitions include: a female friend.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: a promiscuous male; "male whore".
Definitions include: rough male homosexual sex.
Definitions include: fallen in a dramatic fashion; "head over heels".
Definitions include: Bitchcakes. To define the absloute lowest level of a man/male Figure in terms of how he is acting at the moment.
Definitions include: vulva / vagina.
Definitions include: imprecisely.
Definitions include: To steal from, rip off.
Definitions include: pronounced "eckee lopp."
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: an easy-to-solve problem.

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