The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 46 of words meaning computers, electronics, technology (666 words total)

The location of this category within the thesaurus is shown on page 1 of this category.

The list of all slang words with this meaning is shown on page 1 of this category.

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  • as bad as possible. The opposite of "optimal."
    My solution was just about as pessimal as possible, but it'll work until version 2.

    Last edited on Nov 11 2011. Submitted by WalterGR (via TheJargonFile) on Aug 14 2009.

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  • photograph--used as noun or verb, as in "isn't this a great phot of her" or "I am going to phot that building"

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on May 28 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 01 2009.

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