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Browsing page 2 of words meaning fast, quick, quickly (29 words total)

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haul ass


  • to move quickly.
    That thunderstorm sure hauled ass through here last night.
    Man, I was hauling ass yesterday.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Campbell from Apex, NC, USA on Feb 01 1999.

  • to run or move oneself quickly; to hurry.
    I saw him ten minutes ago, haulin' ass up Broadway to get here on time.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Derek D. from Astoria, NY, USA on Jan 18 2000.

  • to rapidly leave or depart suddenly without hesitation.
    Yo man, you better haul ass before you get wet.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Ernest J. from Newark, NJ, USA on Apr 26 2004.

  • to move very fast.
    I was late so I hauled ass over here.
    Here they come! haul ass, man!

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Robert L. from Vancouver, WA, USA on May 29 2004.

  • to run very fast.
    She was hauling ass to win the race.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Chelsey B. from Philadelphia, PA, USA on Jan 22 2005.

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in a New York minute


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like shit off a shovel


  • quickly.
    Bert's new car of goes like shit off a shovel.

    Last edited on Mar 12 2011. Submitted by Andy from Maidenhead, Windsor and Maidenhead, UK on Aug 21 1997.

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like shit through a tin horn


  • quickly.
    Traffic today is moving like shit through a tin horn.

    Citation from Attributed to General George S. Patton Jr. censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Feb 26 2018. Submitted by Mick from New York, NY, USA on Feb 14 2003.

  • a phrase to indicate something happens.
    It came pouring out as if an enema had been administered: like shit through a tin horn.

    Last edited on Feb 26 2018. Submitted by Brusseau on Sep 28 2017.

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