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Browsing page 113 of words meaning people, friends, and family (1,206 words total)

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  • place, usually a run-down dwelling, where drugs are sold

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Leonard R. from Saint Petersburg, FL, USA on May 20 2004.

  • housing projects where drugs are heavily known to be around and it has one entrance and it is used as the exit also.

    Last edited on Apr 29 2006. Submitted by Chris C. on Apr 29 2006.

  • a place where illegal drug transactions take place. Generally considered to be the ghetto or a specific place in the ghetto like a certain corner or parking lot of a store. Most often linked but not limited to the sale of crack/cocaine.
    You can find me in the trap.

    Last edited on Oct 19 2006. Submitted by CW from London, ON, Canada on Oct 19 2006.


  • the mouth.
    They need to shut their traps!
    • See more words with the same meaning: mouth.

    Last edited on Oct 19 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 31 2009.

  • a male that looks like a female.
    Is that a girl or a trap?
    It turns out the hooker I picked up was a trap.

    Last edited on May 13 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on May 06 2013.


  • to sell illegal drugs.
    I'm trapping tonight.

    Last edited on Dec 03 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 24 2002.

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trench coat


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  • To engage in anonymous sex. To have a one-night stand.

    Last edited on Aug 03 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 03 2011.

  • To cheat

    So how are you just gonna trick on that man like that

    Last edited on Aug 12 2011. Submitted by M. Dollaz from Palatka, FL, USA on Aug 12 2011.

verb - intransitive

  • to joke around; to kid.
    I'm just trickin'.
    Person A: Do you like chocolate?

    Person B: Ew, I hate it! Haha, I'm just trickin'. I like chocolate.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 23 2009.

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noun - uncountable

  • women.
    I saw some nice trim today.

    Citation from "Chapter 10", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 4 (2010) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "Chapter 7", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 1 (2010) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jan 11 2012. Submitted by Roderick Montgomery from Terre Haute, IN, USA on Apr 17 1998.

  • sex with a female, via the "getting female genitalia" = "have sex" metaphor.
    I got some trim last night.

    Last edited on Dec 19 2011. Submitted by andrea j. from Detroit, MI, USA on Oct 18 2005.

  • female genitalia.
    Get some trim",Eddie Murphy said it to Nick Nolte, in the movie 48 Hours...Because Sistas always are shaving/trimming their bush,down below.

    Last edited on Aug 07 2014. Submitted by Chloe S. on Jul 16 2009.

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  • the period of time during which a person is under the influence of LSD.
    I was on an eight-hour trip yesterday.

    Last edited on May 20 1997. Submitted by Anonymous on May 20 1997.

  • a state of mind, mood, or interest.
    Dan must be on some sort of health trip - he spent $50 on vitamins.

    Last edited on Oct 10 1997. Submitted by Ishmael from Oakland, CA, USA on Oct 10 1997.

  • something that is funny, interesting, or strange.
    He's a real trip.

    Last edited on Oct 30 2010. Submitted by Littleme247 from San Francisco, CA, USA on Dec 05 1997.


  • to take LSD.
    I tripped for the first time last night.

    Last edited on May 20 1997. Submitted by Anonymous on May 20 1997.

  • to worry.
    Don't trip about it!
    • See more words with the same meaning: to worry.

    Last edited on Dec 05 1997. Submitted by Littleme247 from San Francisco, CA, USA on Dec 05 1997.

  • to react with extreme emotion; "freak out".
    When he passed out, I tripped!

    Last edited on Mar 11 2013. Submitted by Littleme247 from San Francisco, CA, USA on Dec 05 1997.

  • to partake in friendly flirting, which may lead to a more serious relationship.
    They used to trip but now they're going out.

    Last edited on Feb 22 1998. Submitted by Missy from CA, USA on Feb 22 1998.

  • to be surprised.
    Man, I tripped when I saw her walk in.

    Last edited on Feb 22 1998. Submitted by Missy from CA, USA on Feb 22 1998.

  • going crazy.
    I'm just straight up trippin'!
    Man u be trippin.
    You are trippin.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Nicole from AR, USA on Jul 21 1998.

  • getting mad over nothing.
    Man she's tripping.
    You are trippin.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Brittany B. from IN, USA on Sep 25 1998.

  • to act strange or foolish.
    My mom won't let me go out tonight, she is trippin'.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by K. Johnson from Chicago, IL, USA on Dec 01 1998.

  • to not be thinking clearly, to err.
    You were right about her phone number. I must have been tripping.

    Last edited on Dec 16 1998. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16 1998.

  • overreacting to a situation.
    You're trippin' bro!

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Mara from San Jose, CA, USA on May 18 1999.

  • someone acting out of control, or in the aspect of taking acid.
    She's trippin'.
    I'm trippin' on the shit I took.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Cari S. from Columbus, OH, USA on Nov 16 1999.

  • crazy.
    You are trippin.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19 1999.

  • it means don't say something or don't do something because you don't need to go there.
    Don't be trippin.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Erin S. from Urbana, IL, USA on Jan 29 2000.

  • To act in a stupid manner, Or to stop lying.
    Man stop trippin'.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Karl J. from Green River, WY, USA on Feb 16 2002.

  • To act strangely.
    That girl was trippin' off drugs.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Jasmine from Bronx, NY, USA on Oct 15 2002.

  • On a hallucinogenic drug that causes someone to act out of character. Or someone who ACTS like they are on a hallucinogenic drug that causes them to be that way. When someone acts a fool. (They are trippin').
    That girl is trippin' hard.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Heather C. from Melfa, VA, USA on Jan 16 2003.

  • To get extremely high off a hallucinogenic drug. 2. To take a trip or vacation.
    He was trippin' all night long on acid.
    I'm trippin' Thursday to Monday.

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Chris from New York, NY, USA on Jan 17 2003.

  • to be angry.

    Last edited on Jun 08 2007. Submitted by Jonnah Zablan on Jun 08 2007.

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  • any female who is extremely displeasing to the eye or to one's personal well-being. Also trog. Commonly misspelled trogladite.
    That trog was so ugly I wanted to stab my eyes out!
    That troglodyte was so disgusting I want to be sick.

    Last edited on Apr 10 2013. Submitted by Anonymous from Panama City Beach, FL, USA on Feb 22 2002.

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