The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 56 of words meaning people, friends, and family (1,206 words total)

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  • a true friend. Reserved for only the closest of pals.
    Friends help you move; goombahs help you move the bodies.

    Last edited on Oct 19 2013. Submitted by George from New York, NY, USA on Aug 18 2002.

  • A hired thug. Usually a large man, paid to be the bodyguard and or mercenary of the person paying him.
    I'll send Ryan, my goombah, to shake down that punk, who was bustin' our balls, the other day.

    Last edited on May 14 2011. Submitted by Aaron ". from Minier, IL, USA on Jun 27 2004.

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  • an intimidating person hired to harm people.


    Citation from "Family Matters", The Glades (TV), Season 2 Episode 1 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jun 13 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22 2002.

  • Cheap cask wine. In some places, the government's wine industry subsidies make this the cheapest form of drinkable alcohol available. Australian slang.
    The beer ran out but there was lots of goon.
    • See more words with the same meaning: alcohol.

    Last edited on Jun 03 2010. Submitted by Joel K. on Nov 12 2004.

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  • a man that is dressed well, attractive and well off. From the magazine GQ, originally called Gentlemen's Quarterly.
    Man that guy was GQ.

    Last edited on May 10 1999. Submitted by Anonymous on May 10 1999.

  • term used to describe a good style or nice clothes. from the name of the magazine Gentlemen's Quarterly.

    Last edited on May 14 2011. Submitted by Philip W. from Lincoln, NE, USA on Apr 06 2000.

  • "GQ" is a Navy slang abbreviation for, "General Quarters". A call to General Quarters is an order to "Man your battle stations!"

    Last edited on Jan 14 2017. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 14 2017.

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  • "grandfather."
    Did you hear that gramps beat the shit out of granma?
    Gramps fought in World War II. Can you imagine being brought up during that time period? When the Germans were taking over the world?
    • See more words with the same meaning: parent.

    Last edited on Oct 06 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 02 2015.

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