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Definition of dodgy

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Other terms relating to 'bad, poor, sucks, common, generally displeasing':

Definitions include: in an irreparable bad situation.
Definitions include: in a bad physical state.
Definitions include: bad, of poor quality.
Definitions include: lacking excitement or people; "boring".
Definitions include: sexual contact.
Definitions include: extremely ugly.
Definitions include: displeasing.
Definitions include: damaged or poorly prepared.
Definitions include: bad, unpleasant, stupid.
Definitions include: boring, dull, uninspired.
Definitions include: easy or unchallenging.
Definitions include: old-fashioned; unstylish.
Definitions include: of poor quality, displeasing.
Definitions include: to end an intimate relationship with someone.
Definitions include: to be bad or displeasing.

Other terms relating to 'crazy, insane, weird, strange':

Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: ugly, weird.
Definitions include: the condition of being similar to what one experiences while taking LSD; WEIRD.
Definitions include: excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: physically excited, often appearing as if one is losing some control of their body.
Definitions include: uncontrollable.
Definitions include: strange.
Definitions include: to be odd or slightly crazy.
Definitions include: crazy, irrational, carried away.
Definitions include: comical, wacky.
Definitions include: testicles.
Definitions include: insane.
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: to get really drunk, wasted.

Other terms relating to 'dangerous':

Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: related to immorality or illegality.
Definitions include: to act foolish; under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or to do something dangerous.
Definitions include: of questionable character, strange.

Other terms relating to 'suspicious, immoral, illegal':

Definitions include: "shitty".
Definitions include: to feel bad, not right or normal.
Definitions include: to recline, as in a reclining chair.
Definitions include: related to immorality or illegality.
Definitions include: deceitful, untrustworthy.
Definitions include: of questionable character, strange.
Definitions include: to be suspicious.
Definitions include: sketch + balls, i.e. "very sketchy".

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: any belief or approach to solving a problem that one doesn't agree with.
Definitions include: Kool-Aid, soda, or any kind of artificially sweetened drink.
Definitions include: an Italian-American female.
Definitions include: acronym for "I'm not an expert".
Definitions include: the visible presence of male genitalia in clothing.
Definitions include: when a group of men all have sex with one women at the same time, one right behind another.
Definitions include: acronym for "good luck, have fun".
Definitions include: "SSDD", i.e. same shit, different day.
Definitions include: a strategy that has someone eat the cheese of a meal last, this is so that if the cheese constipates the body, then there will be no food behind the cheese and therefore there won't be any "traffic jams" in the intestines.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.

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Average of 38 votes: 29%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">dodgy</a>

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[ dodgy]

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