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Definition of 80



  • drunk. Refers to 80 proof, the most common concentration of hard liquor.
    Missy, how drunk are you? I'm 80.

    Last edited on Nov 29 2003. Submitted by Missy from Chicago, IL, USA on Nov 29 2003.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'under the influence of alcohol, drunk':

Definitions include: drunk.
Definitions include: very inebriated.
Definitions include: extremely drunk.
Definitions include: very much under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Definitions include: sadistic; "messed up".
Definitions include: very drunk or under the influence of drugs.
Definitions include: extremely inebriated.
Definitions include: extremely inebriated.
Definitions include: very drunk.
Definitions include: very drunk or high.
Definitions include: the physical sensation that the room or nearby area is spinning - despite it being stationary - due to consumption of drugs or alcohol.
Definitions include: inebriated.
Definitions include: extremely inebriated.
Definitions include: broken.
Definitions include: drunk.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to attract.
Definitions include: to fail in one's responsibilities.
Definitions include: a goal beyond one's current goal.
Definitions include: in prison.
Definitions include: the short bus usually used to take handicapped children to special education schools.
Definitions include: augmentative, trisyllabic form
Definitions include: to mess up.
Definitions include: law-abiding citizens.
Definitions include: Musician's slang for a performance in which many wrong notes are heard.
Definitions include: an Asian mother.

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Average of 7 votes: 52%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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